The ABC's of Vaginal Health:

Aerobic Vaginitis (AV)

  • Group B Streptococcus (GBS)
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Escherichia coli
  • Enterococcus faecalis

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

  • Atopobium vaginae
  • Bacterial Vaginosis Associated Bacterium 2 (BVAB2)
  • Gardnerella vaginalis
  • Megasphaera species (Type 1 and Type 2)
  • Lactobacillus Profiling by qPCR

Considered Medically Necessary by the CDC and Aetna for the Management of Vaginitis and the Diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis in Symptomatic Women1, 2

Candida Vaginitis (CV)

  • Candida albicans
  • Candida glabrata
  • Candida krusei
  • Candida parapsilosis
  • Candida tropicalis

Diagnostic Advantages

  • One vial, multiple pathogens
  • DNA amplification via PCR technology
  • Microbial drug resistance profiling
  • High precision robotic accuracy
  • High diagnostic sensitivity & specificity
  • Specimen viability up to 5 days after collection
  • Test additions available up to 30 days after collection
  • No refrigeration required before or after collection
  • Blood and excess mucus will not affect results


A Comparison of Bacterial Vaginosis and Aerobic Vaginitis

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1 Diagnosis of Vaginitis 2022, October 31 . “Diagnosis of Vaginitis”.
2 Workowski KA, Bachmann LH, Chan PA, et al. 2021, July 23. “Sexually Transmitted Infections Treatment Guidelines, 2021".
3 Larsson PG. 1992. Treatment of bacterial vaginosis. Int J STD AIDS 3: 239-247.
4 Sobel JD, Reichman O, Misra D, Yoo W. 2011. Prognosis and Treatment of Desquamative Inflammatory Vaginitis. Obstet Gynecol 117: 850-855.
5 Tempera, G, Bonfiglio G, Comparata E, Corsello S, Cianci A. 2004. Microbiological/clinical characteristics and validation of topical therapy with kanamycin in aerobic vaginitis: a pilot study. Int JAntimicrob Agents 24: 85-88.
6 Tempera G, Furneri PM. 2010. Management of Aerobic Vaginitis. Gynecol Obstet Invest 70: 244-249.